World Literature on Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database -373

World Literature on Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database -373

World Literature on Medicinal Plants Quoted/Consulted/Modified/Improved/Discussed/Used/Corrected in Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.

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Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Andropogon schoenanthus L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Andropogon sorghum BROT. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Andropogon squarrosus L.F. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Androsace rotundifolia HARDW. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aneilema conspicuum KUNTH NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aneilema lineolatum KUNTH NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aneilema nudiflorum BR. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aneilema scapiflorum WIGHT based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aneilema tuberosum HAM. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anemarrhena asphodeloides BUNGE NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anemone falconeri THOMS. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anemone narcissiflora L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anemone obtusiloba D.DON. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anemone rivularis HAM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anemone rupicola CAMB. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anemone tetrasepala ROYLE NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anemone vitifolia HAM. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aneseia martinicensis (JACQ.) CHOIS. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anethum foeniculum L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anethum graveolens L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anethum sowa KURZ. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Angelica archangelica L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Angelica archangelica L. himalayana (C.B.CLARKE)BADHWAR based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Angelica glauca EDGEW. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Angelica polymorpha MAXIM. SINENSIS OLIV. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Angelonia salicariaefolia HUMB. & BONPL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Angiopteris evecta (FORST.) HOFFM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aniseia martinicensis (JACQ.) CHOISY based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anisochilus carnosus WALL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anisochilus carnosus WALL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anisochilus eriocephalus BENTH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anisomeles indica (L.) O.KUNTZE based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anisomeles malabarica R.BR. EX SIMS based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anisomeles ovata R.BR. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anisonema multiflorum WILLD. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Annona cherimola MILL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Annona muricata L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Annona reticulata L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Annona squamosa L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anodendron paniculatum A.DC. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anoectochilus regalis BL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anoectochilus roxburghii BL. REGALIS (BL.) PRADHAN based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anoectochilus setaceus (BLUME) LINDL. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anogeissus acuminata WALL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anogeissus latifolia WALL. EX. GUILL. & PERR. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anogeissus pendula EDGEW. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anotis foetida (DALZ.) BENTH.& HOOK.F. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anplectrum assamicum CL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthemis cotula L. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthemis gayana BOISS. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthemis nobilis L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthemis odontostephana BOISS. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthemis pyrethrum GOUAN based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthocephalus cadamba MIQ.. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthocephalus chinensis (LAM.) A.RICH. EX WALP. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthocephalus indicus A. RICH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthoxanthum odoratum L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) HOFFM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthriscus sylvestris HOFFM based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anthyrium filix-femina (L.) ROTH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antiaris innoxia BL. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antiaris saccidora DALZ. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antiaris toxicaria (PERS.) LESCH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Anticharis glandulosa ASCHERS. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antidesma acidum RETZ. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antidesma bunius (L.)SPRENG. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antidesma diandrum ROXB. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antidesma ghaesembilla GAERTN. FRUCT. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antidesma menasu (TULASNE) MULL.-ARG. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antidesma zeylanicum LAM. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antirrhinum cymbalaria GUELDENST EX LEDEB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antirrhinum majus L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Antirrhinum orantium L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Apama siliquosa LAM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Apama tomentosa (BI.) ENGL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aphanamixis polystachya (WALL.) PARKER based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aphananthe cuspidata (BL.) PLANCH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Apium graveolens L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Apium leptophyllum F.MUELL. EX.BENTH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aplotaxis auriculata DC. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Apluda mutica L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Apluda varia HACK. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Apocynum foetidum BURM.F. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Apollonias arnottii NEES based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aponogeton monostachyon L.F. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aponogeton natans (L.) ENGL. & KRAUSE based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aporusa dioica (ROXB.) MUELL.- ARG. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aporusa lindleyana BAILL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aporusa octandra (BUCH.- HAM. EX D. DON) VICK. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aquilaria agallocha ROXB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aquilaria malaccensis LAM., NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aquilaria ovata L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aquilegia fragrans BENTH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aquilegia vulgaris L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) HEYNH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arabidopsis wallichii (HOOK.F.&T.) N. BUSH. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arabis chinensis ROTTLER based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arabis recta MILL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arabis tribetica HK. & TH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arachis hypogaea L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arachne cordifolia (DECNE) based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aralia armata SEEM based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aralia cachemirica DECNE. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aralia pseudo-ginseng BENTH based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aralia quinquefolia DECNE. & PLANCH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aralia racemosa L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arbutus unedo L. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arceuthobium minutissimum HK.F. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Archangelica himalaica EDGEW. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Archangelica officinalis HOFFM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Archidendron clypearia (JACK) NIELSEN based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Archidendron monadelphum (ROXB.) NIELSEN based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arctium lappa L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arctostaphylos uva ursi SPRENG based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Ardisia colorata ROXB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Ardisia humilis VAHL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Ardisia odontophylla WALL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Ardisia oxyphylla WALL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Ardisia solanacea ROXB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Areca catechu L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Areca concinna THW. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Areca nagensis GRIFF. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Areca triandra ROXB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arenaria serpyllifolia L. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arenga obtusifolia MART. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arenga pinnata MERRILL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arenga saccharifera LABILL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arenga wightii GRIFF. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argemone alba LESTIB. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argemone mexicana L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia aggregata (ROXB.) CHOISY based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia argentea ARN. EX CHOISY based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia cuneata KER-GAWL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia daltonii CLARKE IN HOOK.F. FL. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia fulgens CHOISY based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia imbricata (ROTH) SANT. & PATEL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia involucrata C.B. CLARKE based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia kleiniana (ROEM.&SCHULT.) NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia malabarica CHOISY based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia nervosa (BURM.F.) BOJ. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia petaloidea CHOISY based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia pomacea (ROXB.) CHOISY based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia sericea Dalz. & Gib. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia setosa (ROXB.) CHOISY based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Argyreia speciosa SWEET based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aricennia officinalis L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arikuryroba schizophylla BECC. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema alba N. E. BR. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema curvatum KUNTH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema decipiens SCHOTT based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema flavum (FORSK.) SCHOTT. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema jacquemontii BI. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema leschenaultii BLUME based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema murrayi (GRAHAM) HOOK.F. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema speciosum (WALL.) SCHOTT. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema tortuosum SCHOTT based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema triphyllum SCHOTT based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arisaema wallichianum HK.F. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristida adscenscionis L. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristida depressa RETZ. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristida humilis VAHL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristida setacea RETZ. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia bracteata RETZ. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia bracteolata LAM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia indica L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia labiosa KER.-GAWL.. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia longa L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia reticulata NUTTAL. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia rotunda L based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia roxburghiana KLOTZ. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia saccata WALL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia serpentaria L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aristolochia tagala CHAM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Armoracia rusticana GAERTN. MEY. & SCHERB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arnebia benthamii (WALL. EX G.DON) JOHNSTON based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arnebia euchroma (ROYLE) JOHN. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arnebia guttata BUNGE based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arnica montana L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artabotrys hexapetalus (L.F.) BHANDARI based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artabotrys odoratissimus R.BR. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artabotrys suaveolens BL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artanema longifolia (L.) MERRILL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artanema longifolium (L.) VATAKE based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artanema sesamoides (VAHL) BENTH. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia abrotanum SAVI based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia absinthium L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia annua L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia austriaca L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia biennis WILLD. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia brevifolia WALL. EX DC. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia capillaris THUNB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia cina BERG. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia dracunculus LINN. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia gmelinii WEBER EX. STECHM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia indica WILLD. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia japonica THUNB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia macrocephala JACQ. EX BESS. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia maderaspatana L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia maritima L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia moorcroftiana WALL. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia nilagirica (CLARKE) PAMP. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia pallens WALL. EX. DC. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia parviflora BUCH. HAM. EX ROXB. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia persica BOISS. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia roxburghiana BESS. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia sacrorum LEDEB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia scoparia WALDST.& KIT. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia sieversiana EHRH. EX WILLD. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia vestita WALL. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artemisia vulgaris AUCT.NON L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arthraxon nudus (STEUD.) HOCHST. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arthrocnemum indicum MOQ. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arthrophyllum blumeanum ZOLL. & MOR. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artocarpus chaplasha ROXB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artocarpus communis J. & G. FORST. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artocarpus gomezianus WALL. EX TREC. zeylanicus JANET based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artocarpus heterophyllus LAM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artocarpus hirsutus LAM. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artocarpus integra (THUNB.) MERRILL. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artocarpus integrifolia L. F. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Artocarpus lakoocha ROXB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arum campanulatum ROXB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arum colocasia L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arum macrorhizon L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arum numphaeifolium ROXB. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Aruncus dioicus (WALTER) FERNALD NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arundina graminifolia (D.DON) HOCHR. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arundinella nepalensis TRIN. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arundo donax L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Arundo karka RETZ. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Asagraea officinalis LINDL. NULL based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Asarum europaeum L. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Ten Drawbacks of Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst. and Asclepias asthmatica WILLD. based Herbal Formulations. Pankaj Oudhia’s Expert Comments on World Patents on Herbal Medicines. Audio Bank on Biodiversity and Traditional Healing.,
Tewari PK, Arora GL
Incidence and distribution of species of Bruchidius attacking Albizzia spp. (Bruchidae: Coleoptera).           1984
Benz G, Bovey P, Junod P
On the specific attraction of the males of the six-toothed spruce bark beetle, Pityogenes chalcographus (L.) to a mixture of synthetic pheromones of the eight-toothed spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae).  1986
Paul WD
Integrated control of palm pests in Tanzania. Possibilities of using Oryctes Baculovirus against the rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes monoceros Ol.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae).            1985
Broadley RH
Toxicity of insecticides to Coccinella repanda Thunberg and Harmonia octomaculata (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).                1983
Ramirez Choza JL, Choza JL Ramirez
Population dynamics and method to control the hemp weevil Scyphophorus interstitialis Gylh (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Yucatan.          1984
Gonzalez Valenzuela M, Roche R, Simanca ME, Valenzuela M Gonzalez
The infestation and emergence capacity of Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boh) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), a pest of stored beans.                1984
Acevedo R, Lopez E, Fuentes A, Gonzalez R
Biological results on Cercyon sp. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) an insect associated with sugarcane smut.                1984
Roche R, Gonzalez Valenzuela M, Simanca ME, Valenzuela M Gonzalez
Life cycle of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), pest of stored seeds.    1985
Witanachchi JP
Response of Ips grandicollis (Eichhoff) adults (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to sites in bark initiated by others of the same species.                1986
Sturgeon KB, Mitton JB
Allozyme and morphological differentiation of mountain pine beetles Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) associated with host tree.    1986
Watt JC
Pacific Scarabaeidae and Elateridae (Coleoptera) of agricultural significance.        1986
Gibson LP
A catalog of the Coleoptera of America north of Mexico. Family: Curculionidae. Subfamily: Curculioninae.             1985
Mishra SC, Sen Sarma PK, Rajpal Singh, Sarma PK Sen,Singh R
Chemical changes in wood during the digestive process in larvae of Hoplocerambyx spinicornis (Newm.) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).       1985
Alya AB, Hain FP
Life histories of Monochamus carolinensis and M. titillator (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Piedmont of North Carolina.                1985
Siddikov B Kh
The ability of some insects (Coleoptera, Orthoptera) to eliminate eggs of the trematode Dicrocoelium lanceolatum stiles of Hassal (1896).    1986
Bhattacharjee NS, Goswami K
Preliminary studies on the incidence of girdle beetle, Oberea brevis (Swedenbord) (Lamiidae, Coleoptera) in soybean. 1984
Wool D
Blind flour beetles: variable eye phenotypes in the microcephalic (mc) mutant of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae).               1985
Watanabe N
Comparative studies on ecology of the azuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) and the cowpea weevil, C. maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). IV. Effect of adult body size on easiness of escaping from the bottom of piled seeds.   1986
Dobrin GC, Hammond RB
The antifeeding activity of selected pyrethroids towards the Mexican bean beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).  1985
Pershing JC, Linit MJ
A structural difference in the male genitalia of Monochamus carolinensis (Olivier) and M. titillator (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).                1985
Fukami JI
Effects of domoic and kainic acids on the neuromuscular junction of mealworm, Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).               1986
Shibata E
Dispersal movement of the adult Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in a young pine forest.           1986
Kok LT
Impact of Trichosirocalus horridus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Carduus thistles in pastures.   1986
Makundi RH
The toxicity of deltamethrin and cyfluthrin to the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae).   1986
Klausnitzer B, Schummer R
Occurrence of the forms of Adalia bipunctata L. in the GDR (Insecta, Coleoptera).             1983
Katakura H
Sperm transfer in the potato ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae, Epilachninae).      1985
Maeto K, Nagai K
Notes on braconid parasitoids of Medythia nigrobilineata (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), with description of a new species of Centistes Haliday (Hymenoptera, Braconidae).   1985
Vasantha E, Ganga G, Chockalingam S
Food selection and utilization by larvae of Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata Fabr. (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera).               1984
Wang R, Kok LT
Life history of Megacerus discoidus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), a seedfeeder of hedge bindweed, in southwestern Virginia.                1986
Kehat M, Greenberg S, Biton S, Ganz S, Adato I
Field evaluation of insecticides for the control of sap beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) in dates. 1986
Baker GT, Nebeker TE
Sensory receptors on the ovipositor of Thanasimus dubius (F.) (Coleoptera: Cleridae).   1986
Takagi M, Ogata T
Seasonal prevalence of Saula japonica Gorham (Coleoptera: Endomycidae), a predator of Unaspis yanonensis (Kuwana) in a citrus orchard where Coccobius fulvus (Compere et Annecke) was released.   1985
Tarrant CA, McCoy CW
Sampling and distribution of Artipus floridanus Horn (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on citrus and weed hosts.         1985
Meinke LJ, Gould F, Duyn JW van, Van Duyn JW
Soybean: a larval host for the southern corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).     1985
Asante SK, Kumar R
Biology of Temnoschoita quadrimaculata Gly. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on oil palm in Ghana. 1986
Own OS, Brooks WM
Interactions of the parasite Pediobius foveolatus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) with two Nosema spp. (Microsporida: Nosematidae) of the Mexican bean beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). 1986
Hall RW
Preference for and suitability of elms for adult elm leaf beetle (Xanthogaleruca luteola) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).   1986
Lodos N
A new important pest of furniture in Turkey: Bostrychus capucinus (L.) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae).         1985
Wheeler AG Jr, Whitehead DR
Larinus planus (F.) in North America (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cleoninae) and comments on biological control of Canada thistle.  1985
Pershing JC, Linit MJ
Development and seasonal occurrence of Monochamus carolinensis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Missouri.   1986
Garcia V
Effects of an aphicide on the respiration of larvae of Semiadalia undecimnotata Schneider (Coleoptera, Coccinelidae).   1983
Danielson SD, Manglitz GR, Sorensen EL
Development of alfalfa weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae when reared on perennial glandular-haired Medicago species in the greenhouse.         1986
Krysan JL, Sutter GR
Aldrin susceptibility as an indicator of geographic variability in the northern corn rootworm, Diabrotica barberi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).               1986
Agren L
Architecture of a lamellicorn flagellum (Phyllopertha horticola, Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera, Insecta).          1985
Singh JP, Rose HS, Sangita
Biology of Cassida enervis Boh. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) - a serious pest on Celosia argentea, an ornamental plant.            1985
Wool D, Namir Z, Bergerson O
Dietary regulation of amylase activity levels in flour beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): (Tribolium).    1986
Bentz BJ, Stock MW
Phenetic and phylogenetic relationships among ten species of Dendroctonus bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).       1986
Goldson SL, Proffitt JR, Chapman RB
Measurement of the impact of different larval densities of Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Canterbury lucerne.       1985
Logan JA, Frampton ER, Goldson SL, Chapman RB
A phenological model for Sitona discoideus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its application in Canterbury.         1985
Foster RE, Tollefson JJ, Nyrop JP, Hein GL
Value of adult corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) population estimates in pest management decision making.                1986
Morse JG, Bellows TS Jr
Toxicity of major citrus pesticides to Aphytis melinus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).        1986
Loschiavo SR, Smith LB
Population fluctuations of the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Cucujidae), monitored with insect traps in wheat stored in a steel granary.                1986
Alm SR, Hall FR
Crabapple cultivar preferences of the plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).       1986
Loughran JC, Ragsdale DW
Life cycle of the bean leaf beetle, Cerotoma trifurcata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), in southern Minnesota.      1986
Fried M, Villavaso EJ, Roberson JL, Sikorowski PP,Thompson MJ
Competitiveness of sterile boll weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) relative to a native population in small field plots.     1986
Fisher JR, Jackson JJ, Sutter GR, Branson TF
Influence of adult diet on damage to corn by larvae of the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).    1986
Corneil JA, Wilson LF
Impact of feeding by adult pales weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Christmas tree stands in southeastern Michigan.                1986
Ladd TL Jr
Enhancement of lures for Japanese beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) by eugenol and Japonilure.        1986
Martel P, Belcourt J, Choquette D, Boivin G
Spatial dispersion and sequential sampling plan for the Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).     1986
Baker PB
Responses by Japanese and oriental beetle grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) to bendiocarb, chlorpyrifos, and isofenphos.                1986
Tedders WL, Payne JA
Biology, life history, and control of Conotrachelus schoofi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on pecans.             1986
Mateias MC
Species of Coleoptera as pests or potential pests of lucerne crops in the Fundulea-Calarasi area.               1983
Kingsolver JM
The Bruchidae associated with seeds of Parkia (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in northern South America, with descriptions of new species in Acanthoscelides and Mimosestes (Coleoptera).            1985
Verma KK, Shrivastava RK
Separate niches for two species of Aspidomorpha living on Ipomoea fistulosa M. and de Bary (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).                1985
Villani MG, Gould F
Use of radiographs for movement analysis of the corn wireworm, Melanotus communis (Coleoptera: Elateridae).            1986
Collins RD, Grafius E
Impact of the egg parasitoid, Anaphes sordidatus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), on the carrot weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). 1986
Muggleton J
Selection for malathion resistance in Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae): fitness values of resistant and susceptible phenotypes and their inclusion in a general model describing the spread of resistance.          1986
Fisher JR
Development and survival of pupae of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera and D. undecimpunctata howardi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) at constant temperatures and humidities.           1986
Siegfried BD, Fatzinger CW, Wilkinson RC, Nation JL
In-flight responses of the black turpentine beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to individual monoterpenes, turpentine, and paraquat-treated slash pines.    1986
Jansson RK, Smilowitz Z
Influence of potato persistence, foliar biomass, and foliar nitrogen on abundance of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).    1986
Shah AH, Purohit MS, Patel GM, Patel CB
Afidentula minima Gorham (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera), a new pest of fingermillet and its intensity of damage in South Gujarat.               1984
Akers RC, Herms DA, Nielsen DG
Emergence and adult biology of Agrilus difficilis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), a pest of honeylocust, Gleditsia triacanthos.                1986
Krysan JL, Wilkin PH, Tumlinson JH, Sonnet PE, Carney RL,Guss PL
Responses of Diabrotica lemniscata and D. longicornis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to stereoisomers of 8-methyl-2-decyl-propanoate and studies on the pheromone of D. longicornis.     1986
Ratti E
Faunistic researches by the Civic Natural History Museum of Venice on the island of Pantelleria. I - Introductory notes; Coleoptera Tenebrionidae.         1984
Bracken GK, Bucher GE
Yield losses in canola caused by adult and larval flea beetles, Phyllotreta cruciferae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).             1986
Hunt DWA
Absence of fatty acid germination inhibitors for conidia of Beauveria bassiana on the integument of the bark beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).      1986
Wallace MMH, Winks RG, Voestermans J
The use of a beetle, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) for the biological control of poultry dung in high-rise layer houses.              1985
Pettey TM, Shaw CG
Isolation of Fomitopsis pinicola from in-flight bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).         1986
Beeman RW, Nanis SM
Malathion resistance alleles and their fitness in the red flour beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae).            1986
Grafius E
Effects of temperature on pyrethroid toxicity to Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).  1986
Alm SR, Hall FR, McGovern TP, Williams RN
Attraction of Glischrochilus quadrisignatus (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) to semiochemicals: butyl acetate and propyl propionate.        1986
Branson TF, Sutter GR
Influence of application date on damage resulting from controlled infestations with eggs of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).    1986
Zehnder GW
Timing of insecticides for control of Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in eastern Virginia based on differential susceptibility of life stages.  1986
Moore LM, Wilson LF
Impact of the poplar-gall saperda, Saperda inornata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on a hybrid Populus plantation in Michigan.            1986
Wellso SG
Cereal leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and winter wheat: host plant resistance relationships.   1986
Grunwald M
Ecological segregation of bark beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) of spruce.             1986
Mesquita ALM, Caldas RC
Effect of the age and of the cultivar of banana on the biology and preference of Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).       1986
Al Alawy SA, Al Zeibadi MM, Mahdi MT, Alawy SA Al, Zeibadi MM Al
Effect of high temperatures on red flour beetles, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), an important pest of flour in Iraq.        1985
Hallas TE
The grain weevil (Sitophilus granarius (L.)) in Denmark (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).         1986
Bartlett PW, Murray AWA
Modelling adult survival in the laboratory of diapause and non-diapause Colorado beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Normandy, France.  1986
Pratap Singh, Ganga Prasad, Singh P
Poplar stem borer Apriona cineria Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) its biology and control.              1985
Schowalter TD
Lepesoma lecontei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): an agent of conelet abortion in a Douglas-fir seed orchard in western Oregon.               1986
Highland HA
Penetration of packaging films by the cowpea weevil (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).  1986
Akers RC, Nielsen DG
Influence of post-felling treatment of birch logs on emergence success of bronze birch borer, Agrilus anxius, adults (Coleoptera: Buprestidae).          1986
Garcia JJS, Trevizan O, Mendes ACB
Efficiency of insecticides for the control of Steirastoma breve (Sulzer, 1776) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), the cocoa borer in the Brazilian Amazonia. 1985
Ferreira JMS, Morin JP
Occurrence of Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabricius, 1801) and Xyleborus affinis (Eichhoff, 1867) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) on coconut in Sergipe State.              1985
Ferreira JMS, Morin JP
Aspects of the biology and behaviour of the coconut leafminer, Taphrocerus cocois Bondar, 1922 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) and the occurrence of parasitism.            1985
Das GP
Pesticidal efficacy of some indigenous plant oils against the pulse beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis Linn. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).         1986
Prachuabmoh O
Pest and disease records. Thailand. Sugarcane stem boring grub (Dorystenes buqueti Guerin): Fam. Cerambycidae Order Coleoptera.        1986
Wang R, Kok LT
Host specificity of Megacerus discoidus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and its impact on hedge bindweed, Calystegia sepium.                1986
Strnad SP, Bergman MK, Fulton WC
First-instar western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) response to carbon dioxide.   1986
Young CE, Hall RW
Factors influencing suitability of elms for elm leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). 1986
Puterka GJ, Slosser JE, Price JR, Meinke LJ
Host/plant relationships used by the boll weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) parasite Bracon mellitor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in the Texas Rolling Plains.  1986
Jennings DT, Houseweart MW, Dunn GA
Carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) associated with strip clearcut and dense spruce-fir forests of Maine.    1986
Dobie P, Mueke JM
Varietal suceptibility of cowpeas to Callosobruchus maculatus F. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).            1984
Cuda JP, Burke HR
Systematics of the larvae and pupae of three species of Trichobaris (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).              1985
Samedov NG, Mirzoeva NB
A review of the leaf-beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the tugai forests of Azerbaijan.      1985
Tyshchenko VP, Ba A Sh, Amadu Sheik Ba
The photoperiodic regulation of larval growth and pupation in the large mealworm Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae).               1986
Kovalev OV, Vecherin VV
Description of a new wave process in populations, with reference to the introduction and spread of the ambrosia leaf beetle Zygogramma suturalis F. (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae).    1986
Castineiras A, Cabrera T, Calderon A, Obregon O
Virulence of four strains of Beauveria bassiana on adults of Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).   1984
Castineiras A, Perez M, Obregon M, Castaneda I
Virulence of three strains of Metarhizium anisopliae against adults of Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). 1984
Mishra SC, Veer V, Chandra A
Aristobia horridula Hope (Coleoptera:Lamiidae) a new pest on shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.) in West Bengal.               1985
Thapa RS, Pratap Singh
Large-scale mortality of deodar trees by the bark borer, Scolytus major Stebbing (Scolytidae, Coleoptera) in Kulu Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh.         1986
Branson TF, Valdes M, Kahler AL
Evaluation of Mexican populations of maize for resistance to larvae of Diabrotica virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).                1986
Larsson S, Wiren A, Lundgren L, Ericsson T
Effects of light and nutrient stress on leaf phenolic chemistry in Salix dasyclados and susceptibility to Galerucella lineola (Coleoptera).     1986
Selander RB
On the bionomics, anatomy, and systematics of Wagneronota (Coleoptera: Meloidae). 1984
Ladd TL Jr, McGovern TP
2-Methoxy-4-propylphenol, a potent new enhancer of lures for the Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).           1984
Pucci C, Salmistraro D, Veronesi F
Catches of adults of Bruchidius gilvus Gyll. (Coleoptera Bruchidae) with chromotropic traps of different colours in a seed crop of Edysarum coronarium L.                1983
Walgenbach JF, Wyman JA
Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) development in relation to temperature in Wisconsin.       1984
Smith RL, Olson CA
Confused flour beetle and other Coleoptera in stored marijuana.             1982
Hideux P
Possibilities of reproduction and development of Caryedon pallidus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on Cassia tora (Caesalpiniaceae).           1984
Berti Filho E
Coleoptera of forestry importance. 1. Scolytidae.             1979
A preliminary study on the control of Proagopertha lucidula Fald. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).    1981
DuRant JA
Effect of application method on efficacy of planting-time treatments of carbofuran, chlorpyrifos, and terbufos against the southern corn billbug (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on field corn.                1984
Flanders RV
Comparisons of bean varieties currently being used to culture the Mexican bean beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).      1984
Hare JD
Suppression of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), on solanaceous crops with a copper-based fungicide.     1984
Shanks CH Jr, Chase DL, Chamberlain JD
Resistance of clones of wild strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis, to adult Otiorhynchus sulcatus and O. ovatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). 1984
Martens J, Ausobsky A, Medvedev LN
Chrysomelidae from the Nepal Himalayas. I. Alticinae (Insecta: Coleoptera).        1984
Lorio PL Jr, Zarnoch SJ
Calculating tree bole surface area for estimating populations of the southern pine beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).          1984
Georgis R, Poinar GO Jr
Greenhouse control of the black vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) by heterorhabditid and steinernematid nematodes.       1984
Miller MC
Mortality contribution of insect natural enemies to successive generations of Ips calligraphus (Germar) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in loblolly pine.          1984


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